you remember how i said i lost hope in the blogger community?
maybe not hope, but i lost that loving feeling.
but i sure as hell found it again this weekend.
you know that feeling when you get together with your best friend from childhood and pick up right where you left off like you hadn't been apart for months..or even years?
that was this weekend.
melissa, jenna, and megan rocked my world. it was like we had been best friends our entire lives and it was a reunion weekend. [but we had only hung out twice before...]
my abs hurt from laughing so hard. i'm serious.
we ate like queens [or princesses]. sunned like goddesses.
filled the weekend with jokes that will be inside jokes from now on.
we talked about present, futures, pasts, and probably figured out life this weekend.
it was blissful.
can i go back?
i miss them already.
[i have to wait for pictures to be posted from the professional photographer before i can post them here. yes, we captured the weekend professionally. we are bloggers aren't we?]Labels: blog friends